Sunday, September 20, 2009


The ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity (ACB) and the Philippine Olympic Committee (POC) recognize the key role that indigenous peoples (IP) play in conserving flora, fauna, and other biological resources. For millennia, indigenous peoples have developed a relationship with their environment that has sustained and nourished their bodies, fostered community relations, and strengthened their culture. Local communities who depend on their environment for food and livelihood have also developed such ties with nature.  This is a relationship that respects the changing of the seasons, life cycles of crops and livestock, and the significance of all forms of life on earth.

This synergy between humans and the environment embodies the form of Conservation that people aspire for. It is a relationship that ultimately demonstrates the Sustainable use and equitable sharing of resources that governments have aimed for ever since the alarm was rung for the need to conserve biodiversity during the Earth Summit in 1992.

To showcase how IPs conserve their natural environments and generate a greater awareness for biodiversity conservation among the people of the ASEAN region, ACB and POC joined hands for the first “POC-ACB TRIBAL GAMES: Protecting Our Natural Heritage.”

Olympians advocate olympism. Environmentalists advocate biodiversity. Together, POC and ACB will promote the tribal games with the objective of protecting our natural heritage. The project will focus time, effort, and Energy to the guardians of natural biodiversity, the tribes of Mangyan, Aeta, and Dumagat (MAD). The games will be initially called the POC-ACB MAD Tribal Games.

The project will be piloted in the Philippines in 2009. This will be the preparatory stage for 2010, the International Year of Biodiversity, when the Tribal Games is envisioned to draw the participation of the ASEAN Members States: Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Viet Nam, through their respective National Olympic Committees and supported by ACB, their NCPs and Governing Board Members.

The project will bring together students, youth, and the general public on a personal encounter with the tribes to get first-hand information on how to protect and appreciate the environment.  The competitions will involve tribal archery, spear throwing, and indigenous boat races.

ACB will invite the Ambassadors of EU countries and ASEAN Member States in the Philippines to witness the pilot event and seek their support in promoting the conservation of Southeast Asia’s rich but highly threatened biodiversity through sports.

The POC-ACB MAD Tribal Games will set up information booths and organize an Open Forum among the students, while the host tribe will showcase a Cultural Presentation to further enhance awareness on biodiversity.



Saving ASEAN's Natural Treasures from ACB on Vimeo.



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